Year End Finance Check Up With so many investment options available, even people who are good with money can use a little professional advice about financial planning. At Florida Credit Union, we offer the knowledge and experience of financial advisors Ken Toops and Jerry Johnson, available through our broker dealer, CUSO Financial Services, L.P.* Whether you’re meeting with an advisor for the first time or revisiting your financial goals, Ken and Jerry will gladly help you set a strategic course that will give you the best chance for success.
Beyond the Arc - A Fundraising Campaign We are excited to enter our third year of the Beyond the Arc campaign! Just like the previous years, Florida Credit Union is donating $25 to the Education Foundation of Alachua County, up to $10,000, for each three-point basket made by the men and women’s Florida Gators basketball teams during home or away games. The Education Foundation is a non-profit organization that invests in students through a variety of programs. The campaign goes all season long but some of the highlights are: » Through December 31: Guess the total number of 3-pointers during the season contest for a chance to win $500. » January 28, 2024, FCU and The Education Foundation will partner to attend the UF women’s basketball game against the University of Texas A&M. 50 tickets donated by FCU will be available to teachers. » February 10, 2024 during the UF men’s basketball game against Auburn, a fan will compete against Danny Wuerffel, 1996 Heisman Trophy winner, in a free throw challenge.
Announcing the 2024 Scholarship Information Florida Credit Union was established in 1954 as a state- Chartered credit union for teachers. FCU was originally named the Alachua County Teachers’ Credit Union, and was owned and operated by teachers working in the Alachua County School System. At FCU, we believe in the importance of educational opportunities for our young members. Annually, we award three types of scholarships to students based on their scholastic record, leadership, initiative, character and financial needs among other qualifications. Visit flcu.org/scholarships to learn more about our 2024 Scholarships. Deadline to apply is Friday, February 2, 2024.
#FCUFlora Photo Contest Winner! We recently introduced FCU’s newest virtual employee, Flora and asked you to post a photo with her on social media using the hashtag #FCUFlora for a chance to win a $250 gift card! Thank you to all who participated in our #FCUFlora Photo Contest! Congratulations to Diane! She is the lucky winner of the $250 gift card! To learn more visit flcu.org/flora.
Wishing You a Joyous Holiday Season! Florida Credit Union would like to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful, safe holiday season. We hope you create many memorable moments during this beautiful time of the year. As 2023 heads into 2024, we want to thank you for allowing FCU to be your trusted financial institution. We look forward to continuing to serve you, our members and partners in the years ahead.
Love FCU? Leave us a Review! If you received excellent service or want to give your favorite employee a shout-out, please leave a review on Google or Facebook for your local FCU branch!
*Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (“CFS”), a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA / SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union, and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. The Credit Union has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and services available to credit union members. FCUMKEM0957-1223
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